In Australia I’ve been using a few helpful job hunting sites that could be of use to anyone else out there looking for work in Australia.
Here they are:
1. Travellers @ Work – This is a great site for backpacking work in Australia.
2. Blue Strike – Another site for temporary backpacking type work in Australia.
3. Gum Tree – Quite a well known site and quite good for job hunting for all kinds of jobs. From backpacking to professional roles, it’s all here.
4. Seek – More of a general jobs site than a backpacking job site but it still has plenty of temporary/contract roles.
5. Career One – Like seek this site is a general jobs site but has plenty of jobs each day.
6. My Career – Despite the permanent sounding site name, career one does have plenty of temporary and contract roles advertised daily.
7. Jobsearch – Look beneath the garish colours and you’ll actually find a pretty good jobs site.
8. Byron – On the Byron site you can search for jobs with agencies across Australia.
9. Monster – Although a smaller version of the Monster site for the UK, Monster.com is still a great place to search for that perfect job.
10. Jobsearch Gov – This is a good site to find a wide range of jobs, from the Harvest trail to Training and Apprenticeships.
So, there you go. Those sites should keep you busy job hunting for a while if you are seeking some kind of work in Australia.
Have You Found Work In Australia Before?
If So, How Did You Go About It?
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