“Me me me, please look at me” it cries like a child wanting attention.
Attention is what the blogger wants only to confront us some self centered post that could have been scribbled by a naughty child in the classroom. Unfortunately it reminds me of something that I once argued against, a journalist type stating that it’s “not about you, it’s about the place”. Unfortunately some bloggers are affirming this in a desperate attempt for attention, to seem relevant, to somehow shout their way to being an established authority.
Isn’t The Real World
It’s these few that tarnish some other great writing out there by bloggers. Some of the talented bloggers are struggling to be heard under the torrent of drivel attempting to get attention. In the travel blogging bubble where the number one rule is upheld up by most “must never criticise and must always be positive” we must all be positive in this bubble. This isn’t the real world and isn’t a healthy direction to go in.
No Constructive Criticism
The problem with this is that there is never any constructive criticism that helps to let people know whether they are indeed the screaming child or actually have an amazing unique post. Without the feedback who can tell the difference? Self perpetuating bubble that does indeed lead to some “navel gazing”. Some people seem afraid to disagree and would rather stay quiet in fear of going against the majority.
Don’t get me wrong, I think positivity is a great thing, it leads to passion, productivity and innovation. But misplaced and without balance we may well be praising things that don’t actually deserve it.
If travel bloggers want to be taken seriously then criticism and some negativity should be part of what you should expect publishing your writing online. Maybe it is time that travel bloggers grew up, matured, faced criticism and learnt lessons along the way.
Why not start right here?
Photo by jonny2love