What music memories do you have from traveling?
We’ve all been there whilst traveling, sat in a cafe, bar or a shop and been reminded of a time and place where you first heard that song.
You’re instantly whisked back to the beautiful beach, sunset, bar or restaurant where you had that memerable experience.
Maybe you had heard the song before but this time for some reason it it struck a chord. Many travellers have a favourite song that brings back fond memories of times when they were travelling. I set out to gather a few of people’s favourite songs from on the road and also where they were at the time.
For me there was no better place to curate this information than twitter. Click the songs article and title for the youtube video and the twitter users name to check them out on twitter. If you have your own, leave us a comment.
Mr Brightside – The Killers
@packsandbunks: #favtravelsong – Mr Brightside. @slimboysy would agree i reckon.
All around the World – Daft Punk
@BudgetTraveller: Favourite song from travels- Daft Punk. All around the World
Girl from Ipanema
@AskSirStamford: girl from ipanema, oh wait, I went to ipanema
Friendly Fires – Jump In The Pool
@packurpassport: Friendly Fires – Jump In The Pool always reminds me of being on planes for some reason! And it makes me wanna dance & smile!
Mike + Mechanics – Over my Shoulder
@laurenmcgregor: Mike + Mechanics, Over my Shoulder http://t.co/ijtq2yZD #favtravelsong
Jason Mraz -I’m yours
@Debor_ahhh: Jason Mraz -I’m yours. #favtravelsong
Orson’s – No Tomorrow
@jenvieira: Orson’s ‘No Tomorrow’ – leading an amazing group on a whistlestop tour of Europe! #favtravelsong
Twenty Four Hours From Tulsa
@itsyourlondon: #favtravelsong was ‘only 24 hours to Tulsa’ because I was on a very long bus ride and at that point I was only….
Animal song – Savage Garden
@HerDailyDigest: animal song -savage garden :p
Gone till November, Wycleff
@amscitytours: gone till November, wycleff
Yeah Yeah Yeahs – Hysteric
@AnnaLucyT: Yeah Yeah Yeahs – Hysteric is a goooooood car song #favtravelsong
Cafe del mar – siete
@HannahRSimons: @TravMonkey The whole of Cafe del mar siete reminds me so much of my Thailand trip #favtravelsong
It’s my life, Bon Jovi
@TravelsceneUSA: It’s my life, Bon Jovi. Prague, 2000. Pretty much summed up the 20-something’s passion for independent travel.
Every f**king city by Paul Kelly
@nikkibayley: The ultimate backpacker song
@kathryn_mcc: ‘Every f**king city’ by Paul Kelly and ‘London still’ by The Waifs – being Austraylan an all
Behind the Sun – Chicane
@BudgetTraveller: My first trip in Europe. Train from Salzburg to Innsbruck- Chicane’s Behind the Sun playing on my Walkman. Awesome
Toto – Africa
@toniwonitravels: Toto- Africa. Every time I hear it, it brings back amazing memories & it’s a classic tune too
Bob Marley – I shot the sheriff
@toniwonitravels: oh and Bob Marley – I shot the sheriff because it reminds of all of Thailand as it was played everywhere lol
Old Crow Medicine Show – Wagon Wheel
@Dave_Zaple: – one of my travel songs was by Old Crow Medicine Show – Wagon Wheel.
Those were the days – Mary Hopkins
@MinaMahrous: Those were the days – Mary Hopkins
On the camino de santiago, heard the song by a band in a bar and got stuck with me any my friends and the rest of the trip someone always started singing it, and then eventually we made up this stupid dance move for it
LMFAO – Sexy and I Know It
@LezaanRoos: wait! ‘Sexy and I know it’ – apres-ski St Anton, Austria.
@LezaanRoos: you can add to that ‘at The Mooserwirt’, St Anton. Anytime from about 4pm onwards!
Men at Work – Land of Down Under
@BackpackerBecki: Men at Work – Land of Down Under. We sung it to some Aussie’s in our group when on a long bus trip in Vietnam. Good times!
Two songs that I remember well from traveling are British Sea Power – Stand Up and Kaiser Chiefs – Oh My God as they both seems to be all about travel and bring back great memories, I also saw the Kaiser Chiefs while traveling.
Photo by nggalai
Do you have a favourite song from your travels? Where we’re you when you heard it and what was it?