Technology is currently evolving at a rapid pace. Not everyone quite grasps the huge impact this will have on institutions, business and even government. But it will be a seismic shift.
These changes will eventually work their way in to everyday life, work and also behaviour. It will change the way people communicate and make decisions. We may well come to a point when behaviour and technology evolves at a faster pace than companies can handle. You only have to look at how many companies are struggling to come to terms with social media to see that things are changing.
Knowledge Gap?
In the travel industry I’ve also seen a gap between bloggers and DMO’s in their understanding and knowledge of technology/online marketing. DMOs have to be part of it to truly understand it or they may well be failing to adapt to consumer behavior and technological changes.
Perhaps the structure of such organisations need to adapt and change? Traditionally relied upon skills may need re-assessing to include a more technological slant in order to adapt, to see opportunities and understand behavioral change.
These changes moves beyond that of social media, smart phones, tablets, pinning things and checking in. It’s a fundamental change in the way businesses/institutions deal with customers. It is increasing becoming a two-way conversation where transparency plays a huge role.
Blogging Is Increasingly Important
It’s for these reasons that blogging is increasingly important, but it’s more than just the writing. Its
about being a relevant source, a trusted source and one that moves with the technological changes. It is about being part of that decision-making process in a real non-manufactured way.
This is why I’m a firm believer in trying to innovate in the online space. Many new bloggers focus on the writing, but it’s much more than this. I encourage bloggers to experiment, to develop beyond writing and to test new technologies and new ways of communicating what you do. Bloggers are in a unique position to bring transparency and to play a role in consumers decision-making in the future.