Photo: {link:http://www.flickr.com/photos/lizjones/}lizjones112{/link}
In a follow up to a article I read on nomad4ever – What NOT to Bring Backpacking: 10 Things To Leave At Home I thought I’d deliver our on twist on this subject.
Our own previous article 12 Stupid Mistakes Of The First Time Traveler also hightlights some of these as well as tackling some wider topics.
It has always amazed me to see the seemingly pointless items some other travelers carry whilst backpacking in far away remote countries.
It’s as if closer and closer to the day of departure people get nervous and make irrational decisions to take things they don’t need or probably will never use.
On top of that backpackers seem increasing unable to live without their modern gadgets, oblivious to the fact that a huge part of travel comes in the freedom to get away from these everyday attachments.
Here are TravMonkey’s top 10 pointless items to take backpacking:
1. Tunesafe
Straight in at number one is this newcomer. As if the pacsafe wasn’t bad enough you’ve now got extra security for your ipod. The Tunesafe encases your ipod and has it’s own lock and cable, meaning that you can lock it to just about anything. Good luck with this one, if anyone sees you with this locked to your backpack they’ll probably just steal your backpack instead!
2. Pacsafe
Slipping down to number 2 is this old favourite, the pacsafe. It covers your whole backpack in a mesh of metal making it look like you are transporting the crown jewels across the world. Not only does it make you look slightly ridiculous but it makes you more likely to be a target of would-be theives.
3. Mosquito Net
For an unknown reason most people believe they need to take a Mosquito net. The reality is you’ll probably never use it and those that do won’t have a clue how to put it up. Most places that are frequented by mosquitos provide nets.
4. Sleeping Bag
Lets face it, they take up a huge amount of room and aren’t actually that light to carry. If you really need one when you’re out on the road it is pretty easy to hire one. If you are going to a warmer climate you probably will never need one, consider a silk sleep bag liner instead.
5. Laptop
An increasing number of backpackers seem to be obsessed with their laptops, so much so that they can’t leave the precious thing behind. What is really so important that you need to be logged on to your own personal computer so often? You’re there to travel, to see and experience new things not to be glued to the screen beta testing the latest version of Microsoft Windows.
6. Iphone
You just know it’s going to happen… you’ll be sat on a sweltering clapped out old bumpy bus out in the middle of no where with chichens and other farm animals as passengers when a fellow backpacker pulls out their GPS Iphone. It’s going to happen. Just why anyone would take such a flash item to such poverty stricken regions is anyones guess, I’m not so sure that it would still be with them come the end of their trip.
7. Sink Plug
Ok, so I’ve never really understood this myth, but it has been around for a long time. People often say a great item to take with you is a sink plug because you never know when you might need to do some hand washing. Ok great, but why not just stick a bit of old cloth in the sink hole? It does exactly the same job. It’s not like your trying to make fire by rubbing two sticks together, you’re only trying to block the sink.
8. Hand Washing Soap
To go with the Sink Plug you must take some hand washing soap. So you take this in your backpack across borders and on flights, but is it really a necessity? You can equally just use some shower gel or soap, after all you are backpacking. Why take them both?
9. Hair Straighteners
A personal favourite of mine, the hair straighteners. You can read my previous article 8 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Take Hair Straighteners Traveling. Some of you will think I’m joking, but I’m not. There is a bit of a discussion going on amongst the female backpackers (ok, there was one male backpacker who admitted to taking them) about which ones they should take, most agreeing that they should take them. Come on ladies just leave them at home, you are supposed to be roughing it… you wouldn’t catch me taking an electric razor and a trouser press now would you?
10. Crocs
Yes, I know it doesn’t really matter what people wear whilst backpacking. But we really do have to draw the line somewhere. These things may be practical but they look terrible! Everyone will tell you how comfortable they are, yes great, but so are my slippers and I wouldn’t go out in them would I!? For the tourist, not the traveler.
What pointless items do you think you should leave at home? Let us know in the comments.